English>> news

Xi calls for enhanced China-Arab BRI cooperation to boost development, advance ties

-- Chinese President Xi Jinping said Thursday China is ready to work with Arab states to jointly build the Belt and Road with high quality and advance China-Arab strategic partnership to a higher level. -- Bound by the history of the ancient Silk Road, China and Arab states are natural partners for BRI cooperation and have notable complementarity....


Xi Focus: 70 years on, Tibet embarks on new journey of modernization

China's Tibet Autonomous Region is celebrating the 70th anniversary of peaceful liberation -- a turning point in the region's history -- as it starts a new journey of modernization after decades of leapfrog development. -- In just a few decades, the Communist Party of China has united and led the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet to make unprecedented historical achievements....


Xi emphasizes prosperity must be common good

President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, addresses a meeting commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers forces entering the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to fight in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-53), at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday, Oct 23, 2020. DING LIN/XINHU...


President Xi on development of Tibet

President Xi Jinping has attached great importance to the development of Tibet autonomous region. The following are some highlights of his quotes in this respect:...


Unique study aids efforts to protect gibbons

Li Guolin, a forest ranger in the Ailao Mountains in the southwestern province of Yunnan, takes care of many different plant species....


Fresh vision spurs growth, cooperation

President Xi Jinping has led China to demonstrate its renewed commitment and lay out fresh policy blueprints at various diplomatic events this year to help spur global recovery, shore up solidarity and keep multilateralism afloat....


China's contribution to the global fight against COVID-19

The Report on the Global Use of COVID-19 Vaccines has been jointly released by the Institute of the Boao Forum for Asia and the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China. It looks at the application of COVID-19 vaccines from a global viewpoint....


Xi Focus-Quotable Quotes: Xi Jinping on building eco-civilization

BEIJING, Aug. 12 (Xinhua) -- More overseas youths are welcome to China for exchanges, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday, expressing his hope that young people at home and abroad will enhance mutual understanding, develop friendship and achieve mutual success, thus contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for humanity....


Xi calls on foreign youths to boost exchanges with China

President Xi Jinping on Tuesday encouraged foreign youths to enhance exchanges with China in a reply letter to foreign representatives participating in the Global Young Leaders Dialogue....


Shared values help to build consensus

Xi calls for efforts to promote common aspirations of peace, development, fairness As some Western countries push their values on others in diplomatic settings, China has called for upholding and promoting the common values of humanity, including peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom, to build a better world....


Xinhua Headlines: Athletes unite to go "Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together" at Tokyo Games

-- The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games closed on Sunday after 16 days of thrilling and touching sport moments. -- China made a string of breakthroughs, while the U.S.'s traditional dominance in athletics and swimming waned slightly. -- Athletes give Tokyo 2020 a great Olympic soul, standing together against challenges brought about by the pandemic....


Cities step up efforts to contain outbreaks

Regions launch multiple rounds of nucleic acid testing, adopt travel curbs Many Chinese cities have upgraded measures, including multiple rounds of nucleic acid testing and travel curbs, to contain the latest COVID-19 outbreaks, in which locally transmitted cases with the Delta variant of novel coronavirus were found....


Long March spirit | Stories shared by Xi Jinping

The Long March in the mid-1930s is seen as "a great feat in human history" and was a turning point for the Communist Party of China and China's revolutionary cause. The spirit of the legendary Long March has been highly commended by Chinese President Xi Jinping....


New Tibet, the rising "Roof of the World"

There are very few places on this earth where humanity can transcend the boundaries of race and nationality, where one can go beyond the human perspective and understand that we are one with the universe. Tibet is one such destination....


Rural Revitalization in Longgu Village

In Longgu Village, the improvement of the living environment goes through the separation of humans and livestock for better hygiene. The livestock have now a specific area in the village with a road to easily reach that area. They are kept there during the winter season, and from May to October, the animals are transferred to centralized pasture area. There is also garbage management and new business projects such as raising local Tibetan chickens and livestock in order to improve villagers’ living standards and fruit production which are sold all over the county thanks to the improvement of the roads....


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