English>> news

Xi: Build high-quality port in Hainan

President Xi Jinping underlined the importance of high quality and high standards in building a free trade port in Hainan province. ...


New database on biodiversity released

China has released a database of its national annual species checklist to facilitate biodiversity research and conservation, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Monday....


NPC deputy sees Tibet school transformed

"My hometown is beautiful, but it is so far away from everything," she said on Monday. "Education is the only path to a better future."...


Xi: Children are key to nation's development

President Xi Jinping called on children across the country on Sunday to study hard, firm up their ideals and beliefs, and train themselves to be both physically and mentally stronger....


Relocation from high altitude places helped people, environment in Tibet

Relocating residents from extreme high altitude areas to lower places in the Tibet autonomous region was a good thing both for the environment and people's heath, said Nyima Tashi....


Yunnan, Cambodia help each other in COVID-19 response

The event lasted from Jan. 25 to Feb. 3, during which parents of 86 congenital heart diseases (CHD) kids from Cambodia donated over 5,000 masks to Yunnan....


Transactions at Kunming flower market down 14.7 pct

The data were provided by the Kunming International Flora Auction Trading Center and the Dounan Flower Electronic Trade Center....


Li: China has room to boost its economy

Premier Li Keqiang answers questions at a news conference after the conclusion of the national legislative session on May 28, 2020, in Beijing....


Thai fruits exported to China in bulk amid pandemic

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic that inflicts economy worldwide, 66.94% of the Thai durian exports went to China in the first quarter, according to data from the Thai Ministry of Commerce....


Tibetan almanac steps into era of digitalization

The owner is a Tibetan man called Yumba, a graduate of Harvard University and a renowned Tibetan astrological academician. He is the deputy head of the Tibet Medical and Astrology Institute....


Xi emphasizes 'putting people first' in governance

"We all feel that our country has made people's lives, health and safety the top priority in the face of an unprecedented epidemic," she said....


I’d live to be 100 years old, says granny in SW Yunnan

“I’m so happy now and I’d like to live to be 100 years old,” said Li Maixiu, a granny aged 85. During a recent interview with Yunnan Daily reporters....


Cycle of life at base of world's highest mountain

At dawn, Dorje puts on a heavy cotton coat and a hat, carries a bag on his back and walks out of his house into the vast alpine meadows....


Xi stresses strengthening national defense, armed forces

Chinese President Xi Jinping Tuesday stressed achieving the targets and missions of strengthening the national defense and armed forces for 2020, while maintaining effective epidemic control on a regular basis....


Chinese NGOs send int'l supplies to the needy amid Covid-19

The China NGO Network for International Exchanges initiated the silk-road joint actions against the Covid-19 in March, calling on the Chinese non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to provide assistance....


Transition camp connects base camp and advance camp on Mount Qomolangma

Photo taken on May 19, 2020 shows a rubbish station set on the north slope of the Mount Qomolangma. At an altitude of 5,800 meters, the transition camp is an important stop connecting the base camp and the advance camp....


Rescue teams race to help after Yunnan earthquake

Rescue teams and necessary supplies were rushed to the epicenter of Zhaotong in Yunnan province to support residents after a magnitude-5 earthquake jolted the city late on Monday....


Nation well-placed to meet modern challenges

A centralized political system such as China's may be better equipped than Western liberal democracies to meet the challenges of the 21st century, according to leading experts....


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